FULL MOON IN PISCES, August 26, 2018; 6:58 AM CDT

Full Moon in Pisces, August 26, 2018 @ 6:58 am CDT

Pisces Moon is a time to dream, imagine & be fanciful. This most gentle of all the energies wraps us up in magical, mysterious clouds where we can be whomever we want to be, with whomever we want to be with and wherever we wish to be. It’s a time to step out of the hard-edged reality of our ‘make it happen’ lives and into a softer place of make believe. Interestingly, the relationship between Mercury, ruler of Virgo, now in direct motion in Leo and Neptune, ruler of Pisces, retrograding in that sign is an almost perfect inconjunct angle. The inconjunct can be many things—adjustment oriented, irritable, even edgy but when these two archetypes are involved, let’s add in a measure of spaciness, dreaminess and not quite of this world kind of quality. Neptune/Mercury (similar to Pisces/Virgo) types can be highly inspired, the artists, the visionaries, the seers of our motley crew—the human race. So, under the silvery beams of the Pisces Full Moon, the ruling planets of Pisces (Neptune) and Virgo (Mercury) are urging each other to jump the fences of reality, go past the boundaries of those fences and imagine the impossible. If you experience a sensation of DIS-connectedness use it for some productive day-dreaming. Don’t let it discombobulate you. There is a time for everything under the rays of this shining MOON.

We are also at the tail end of two significant retrogrades, that of Mars, now backed into Capricorn and Saturn, also in Capricorn. Saturn lends a strong arm of support to the Pisces/Virgo Full Moon, giving our flights of fancy a place to ground out and settle. Capricorn reminds us that dreams are fine but we still have to pay the rent at some point. The suggestion is, take a break, dream your dream and scheme your scheme but know that you can always get back to basics if need be. Expect a sense of forward movement this coming fall as mercury, Mars and Saturn rev it up and start going in forward motion. But be forewarned…October brings us Venus Retrograde in Scorpio!  More about that closer to the time.

Uranus, which dipped into Taurus earlier this year is retrograding back into Aries which he will reach in early November and stay there until March 2019. Expect some surprises in the area of relationship, sovereignty and confrontation! Or, if you manage to hike yourself up to a higher level of expression, you could turn combative interaction into cooperativeness and self-assurance. There is no need to fight and disagree violently if you know your own mind and recognize that other people are not obligated to agree with you in every respect. Different points of view can lead to superlative solutions. The best parts of all viewpoints can be amalgamated into a beautiful combined effort to exceed all expectations. If only we could, as a society really understand that on a deep-down fundamental level!

As always, Full Moons are revelatory times. We should take a moment a review all that we have tried to manifest, scrutinize all the plans and initiatives. With the dreaminess of Pisces fueling us, we can tweak and manipulate our actions so that they better resemble the ideal that we thought we were pursuing. Don’t be afraid to switch gears or shift direction. The real surprise may be that the change is actually what you intended all along without even knowing it! Stay loose, little goose!

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are:




There are times when everything seems to happen at once, times when we feel overwhelmed with the wide array of choices and decisions that we have to make. The key is to STAY WITH THE PROCESS. Eventually the ‘traffic’ will thin out and we will see the way through. Patience, it is said, is a virtue. The virtue in patience is that, if we can implement it in our day to day lives, decisions become much less problematic. The more that we understand and know about any given situation, the clearer it becomes.  With clarity comes insight and certainty and the ability to make the choice or decision. Another gift that Pisces energy can give us is a deep and abiding faith in both ourselves and in that to which we aspire. Having a connection to the mysterious force of spirit can provide us with strength in trying times.

Critical in these fractious times is the concept and implementation of integration. We must strive to see ‘from the other side’ so that our own impressions and attitudes are refined, balanced out, exercised. The only way that our current world order will survive is if we finally find a way to hear each other and develop a working protocol with each other. On a personal, inner level, the integrated self is the diamond self, the shining self. When we develop strategies that facilitate all the parts of our psyche to sing the same song, so to speak, we take one step closer to the divine where all is harmonious. It should be our devout commitment to always seek common ground, both within our own self and with those around us. Pisces energy provides us with the tools to work towards this. It blesses, it accepts, it forgives and it embraces without censure all that is before it. Ah, Pisces!




The Pisces Prayer

Let me be the mirror to your soul

Give me the courage to allow you to mirror me

Let us sit quietly together and gaze at the silvery moon,

Mother to us all,

She glows and she dances to the very center of our souls…