New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio/Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio/Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus:

October 25, 2022 @ 5:48 AM & November 8, 2022 @ 5:02 AM

Welcome, ALL…to the ‘Season of the Witch’…

The Sun shifts into the mysterious realms of Scorpio on October 23, 2022, @ 5:15 AM CDT & a few days later we have a magical New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse on October 25!

We are now well into our collective ‘descent into darkness’ as we move ever closer to Winter Solstice when the LIGHT once again is re-ignited. This is a time to retreat, recover, and reboot. It’s a QUIET time after the hustle & bustle of the harvest season. For the next few months, we can rest. That is the theory, at any rate…lol

Eclipses were once viewed with a degree of trepidation but today, we ‘moderns’ understand that change & shift are necessary for growth.  At the New Moon eclipse moment, Saturn is square the nodes (5* orb—viable) & Uranus is conjunct the north node (4* orb—viable). The Nodes of the Moon, harbingers of directional impulse, are at a standstill, having just stationed Retrograde. (more on this interesting phenomenon later…). These are energetic relationships that are slow in forming & slow in shifting since these mid & outer planets move at a relatively slow pace around the wheel. As harbingers of significance within the realm of human experience, they alert us to situations that develop over time & resolve over time. Collectively, we have been grappling with issues surrounding profound alterations to the very foundations of our existence here on earth. From ecological considerations all the way to personal spiritual ones, we have all been reviewing & hopefully realigning how we walk on the living planet & with what set of ethics, morals & guidelines. With the rapid demise of religious commitment, we must find a spiritual replacement. Humanity without a clear moral compass is a disaster waiting to happen. If you don’t think so, look at the world around you & ask yourself why there is so much social chaos. This is a question that needs to be explored ferociously if we want to continue to exist as a civilization. The alignment between Saturn, the energy of order & structure & Uranus, the energy of disorder & chaos continues to be a challenging element in the world around us. The greater collective is seeking that elusive ‘sweet spot’ between respect for the traditional & hunger for the new & innovative.

We can all ponder questions like:

Who are we as a group of souls traveling together on this plane of existence?

What are we willing to do & to take responsibility for, to accomplish all that we imagine?

Are we true?

Are we real?

Do we walk in peace & in harmony with Natural Law?

Do we seek to find a way into a shared unity of purpose with our fellow travelers?

What is our ‘religion’?

What do we believe in?


Lots of questions and ones that must be explored as we move into our collective future. Our job is to take the time & REALLY ponder our own unique role in the process as it unfolds. To the extent that we can, individually, hold to authenticity (a Scorpio keyword), we must try and do so. If enough individuals can vibrate to the energy of peace & love, inevitably this energy will ripple outward and ‘eclipse’ the opposing energy of discord & hate. Find your own point of vibrational love & forgiveness & hold it fast within your soul. No blame…no shame…no judgment…no ‘I told you so’…

Within the arc of the Sun’s transit through Scorpio, several significant energetic thresholds are going to be crossed. As mentioned in last month’s review, Pluto, the archetype for transformation (& the modern-day ‘ruler’ of Scorpio) is at a virtual standstill after having Stationed Direct on October 8, 2022. It always takes time for a planet to appear to be moving direct after a 6-month retrograde, as is the case for the outers. Pluto remains at 27* Capricorn until December. Here are my thoughts on that degree, a late energetic degree, from last month.

We are all on a quest. It is not always simple or easy. The pathway is the goal…to keep at it, to continue, to persist & hopefully, one day, to reach the summit & see the endless sky above us. When people trek together the success or failure of the trek is entirely dependent on the degree of unity amongst the group. Our job is to BE STRONG & COURAGEOUS…while maintaining a FOCUS ON LOVE & COOPERATION. Pluto will soon be shifting into Aquarius. The season of the ‘EVERYMAN’ is coming…

Pluto sticks his toe into the electric energy of Aquarius in March of 2023 and then retreats one more time into Capricorn until mid-January, 2024 and a second time in September 2024, after which point in time he will take the final plunge & remain in Aquarius until the mid-2040s. Yes, it is a very long sojourn in this complex & innovative energy.

The God of the underworld has fully exposed the corruption of our foundational structural systems: government, business, and societal as well as the convoluted, often deceitful nature of our individual interpersonal relationships. Don’t be a denier. Face the truth that you have discovered & DO SOMETHING to align to a higher standard whether personally or societally. There are many break-away groups forming who are attempting to create new paradigms of living; from totally individual ‘off the grid’ to ‘village’ models that encompass a wide variety of protocols, they are becoming more and more popular. The Aquarian energy that is incoming is all about experimentation & ‘out of the box’ visioning of a future that is in the making. What will actually take hold remains to be experienced but know that everything is changing. It is inevitable. The essential, fundamental way in which we CONNECT to each other is under review.

At the New Moon, Venus is in close alignment with the Sun/Moon conjunction. We are reminded that we are defined by our values. What you love is what you will pursue. That thing will be central to all of your choices as you live your life. It is critical that we all are clear about what matters. And, as we shift into the Aquarian energy, our values must be based on something that is individual to each one of us, founded on natural wisdom gained from an honest appraisal of our experiential process.

Mars reaches his retrograde degree in Gemini during the arc of this lunar month. He will station @ 25*36” Gemini on October 30, 2022.

(I read this as 26* of Gemini because I ‘round up’ the degrees. Some astrologers will read this as 25* of Gemini so if you have noticed any slight discrepancies between blogs you have been following, this is why.)

These Mars retrograde periods are not regular like the Mercury ones which take place 3-4 times annually or the Venus ones which occur every 18 months like clockwork. During any Mars RX period, intention & action can be convoluted & sometimes deterred. Mars is the archetype for movement, action, and impulse while Gemini is the energy of connection, communication, and data or information. Collectively, we will all experience to a greater or lesser degree, depending on our individual charts, a lot of focus on how we intake data, what that data may or may not reveal, the way that we communicate ideas & information to those around us or how it is communicated to us. Overall, This period of time will definitely be a REVIEW OF THE DISPENSATION OF INFORMATION within our society. The trickle-down part of the energy will manifest in each of our individual lives according to the area of life that is aligned with this transit. (Locate the Retrograde degrees—Gemini 9-Gemini 26–in your natal chart to better understand how this period may manifest for you.)

For those with Mars in Gemini in their natal chart, this can be a real purging time for you. You may find yourself ‘going back’ over past decisions, adjusting your delivery system, and generally reviewing how you present yourself in your community of choice. Solar Geminis may experience a back-and-forth kind of energy & potentially a ‘sea-change’ in the area of personal aspirations or an adjustment in one’s sense of self & how that self interacts with others. Moon in Gemini folks may experience some profound emotional understandings & give themselves a thorough ‘make-over’ in relation to their need structure & their response systems. The key for all of us is to move into this period of time with open eyes & the commitment to be fluid on every level. Be willing to have the experience of shift & change. If you do, then it will not seem onerous or traumatic but rather, it will be exciting & transformative.

The retrogrades of the outers are coming to a close for now. As mentioned, Pluto is in direct motion, Neptune is slowing down to his Station Direct point in December, Uranus will Station Direct in January shortly after Mars does. Saturn Stationed Direct on October 23 & Jupiter will Station Direct in November. This is an indication that we will all begin to see a quickening of the collective energy. What was stalled, will start to resolve. What was muddled will begin to unmuddle. What was lost may well be rediscovered. We are all moving into a time of action. Get ready!

The second Eclipse takes place on the Full Moon @ 17* Taurus/Scorpio on November 8, 2022. This is a Total Lunar Eclipse & across a most powerful polarity. Once again, authenticity of emotion, truth-telling & courage in the face of adversity is all highlighted.  All of us are being challenged to examine our values, to align to authentic personal expression, and to be bold in our search for what is true & real. Venus once again is closely aligned to the Full Moon emphasizing that we are what we love & want. Saturn is square to the lunation while Uranus is exactly conjunct with the Moon. Our job is to integrate the profound emotional shifts that we may be undergoing, be willing to admit that change is required & do so with resolve & tenacity. Emotional shift is the hardest shift to go through. It is extremely difficult for anyone to admit that they were incorrect in what they were feeling & how they may have used that feeling. Emotional issues often end up hurting the very ones we most want NOT to hurt but once it’s done, it is often impossible to find a way out of the emotional error. In the powerful energy of Taurus/Scorpio, this Full Moon Lunar eclipse provides us with the opportunity to ‘do over’, to let go of silly emotional positions that may have been based on an inaccurate reading of the dynamic by one or more of the individuals involved. If you need to make some emotional reparations, be brutal with yourself, and take responsibility for your part in the drama & LET IT GO. A fresh start on all fronts!

This is a significant month for all of us. Be alert to the messages. Listen carefully to all that you are hearing. Try hard to understand objectively without personal bias even if it is distasteful. The refining of any given person, place, or thing is accompanied by fire & swords. The swords cut away what is no longer needed & the fire cleanses what is left. Slash & burn, baby, slash & burn!

What interesting times for us all!

Full Moon in Aries, Oct 9, 2022, 3:54 pm CDT

Another Full Moon across Libra/Aries. We are currently moving through the energy of Libra & the Full Moon highlights the polarity energy of Aries, bringing to light, the need to consider both self & other in every situation. At the Full Moon, any Full Moon, the Moon is exactly opposite the Sun—geometrically 180* separation, bisecting the ‘circle’ of the sky.

As I mentioned in previous blogs, we can use the Full Moon phase of any cycle to look back in time to when there was a NEW MOON in the same energy. The last New Moon in Aries occurred on April 1, 2022, just after the Vernal Equinox. What intentions did you set back then? This would be a good time to review & consider how you have managed to implement them…or not! And remember, do so always with self-love, not beating yourself up if you have not lived up to your own ideals. Life is convoluted & full of unexpected events that can delay or challenge or totally transform one’s sense of direction & purposefulness. Be kind to yourself in this regard.

Energetically, we are set to experience a series of shifts in the next few weeks and on…(more in blogs to come…) Here are a few highlights of the shifts before the next New Moon cycle…

Mercury has stationed direct on October 2 @ 25* Virgo. Though we are still in the “shadow” of the retrograde at the Full Moon, we should begin to feel less ambivalent about our interactions & by October 17 or so, any confusion that we are experiencing will start to sort itself out. If you are in the midst of relational negotiations, allow yourself the time to settle after any equivocation that you might have been experiencing in this area while Mercury retrograded. By the Next New Moon, Mercury will be in the third decanate of Libra & getting ready to slide into Scorpio around the end of the Month.

At the Full Moon, Venus is closely aligned to the Sun & opposite the Moon, highlighting the need to create peace & cooperation with others. In her own sign, Venus reminds us that a smile is more useful than angry speech and that seeking compromise is more useful than belligerence. The Psalmist wrote, in Psalms 133:1…

How wonderful it is, how pleasant,

for people to live together in harmony!

If we apply this principle in all of our interactions, we will experience the blessings that come as a result.

Mars is moving very slowly now as he gets ready to stations retrograde at the end of this month. Be aware that implementation strategies may well be challenged for the next few months. In Gemini, we can be assaulted by an overwhelming amount of data that could create confusion & hesitation in regard to what exactly should be done or started. Once again, the astrological counsel is to maintain openness, stay fluid, be adaptable & don’t hurry to jump into anything overly quickly. If you suddenly see that you have to change your tactics, take a deep breath & make a list of how you could do that. And do not recriminate. Life is about change. The only things that do not change are dead things. Be willing to ‘reinvent’ your M.O. as needed. ( more on this later…)

Jupiter continues his Retrograde in Aries/Pisces & will stay retrograde until November 23. For all of you Pisces types, this period of time can be useful in re-imagining the nature of your aspirations. Take the time to ponder where you are headed & why…

Saturn stations direct in Aquarius on October 23 & will transit the remaining degrees of this, one of his home signs over the next 6 months or so. For those of you who were born with Saturn in Aquarius, 19*-30*, this is your return period. This is a threshold of significant reassessment for everyone, an entry into the next segment of life, a time to concretize the process & get down to business in a serious fashion.

Both Uranus & Neptune are still retrograding through Taurus & Pisces respectively. Go deep into your own ‘knowing’ (Neptune) to try and get a handle on the chaos evident in the world around us (Uranus in Taurus). If we all find our own spiritual center, we will come out of the upheaval of our times better equipped to deal with what we find on the other side of the turmoil. Hold to your faith. A new day is dawning.

A powerful indicator of the potential for transformation is the Pluto Station Direct @ 27* Capricorn on October 8, just ahead of the Full Moon. Pluto remains at this degree until well into December, underlining the significance of this threshold in time.

The Sabian Symbol for this degree is:


We are all on a quest. It is not always simple or easy. The pathway is the goal…to keep at it, to continue, to persist & hopefully, one day, to reach the summit & see the endless sky above us. When people trek together the success or failure of the trek is entirely dependent on the degree of unity amongst the group. Our job is to BE STRONG & COURAGEOUS (Aries Full Moon) while maintaining a FOCUS ON LOVE & COOPERATION (Venus in Libra conjunct the Sun). Pluto will soon be shifting into Aquarius. The season of the ‘EVERYMAN’ is coming…

Remember, Full Moons can provide perspective and illuminate any given situation if we let them. That is not to say that every Full Moon will provide you with an ‘aha’ moment. That really depends on YOU and whether you are ready to have that ‘aha’ moment. But the potential is present, for sure. So, get on your gear, find your fellow travelers & get going, baby!

I am a rainbow

I am the light

I sparkle

I shine

I am filled with delight


New Moon in Libra: September 25, 2022 @ 4:54 pm CDT

The 2022 Libra New Moon is especially significant as it occurs just a few days after the FALL EQUINOX.

This year, Fall, (or AUTUMNAL) Equinox occurs at 8:03 PM CDT on September 22. These threshold days within the wheel of the year are turning points on all levels of being; physical, mental, emotional & spiritual. Physically, we can feel the warmth of the summer begin to ebb. Mentally, our minds turn towards sustainment rather than growth. Emotionally, we begin to settle into feelings. Spiritually, we are ready to meditate on all that we have experienced over the past 6 months. Why 6 months? The Fall Equinox is the culmination of a cycle that began at the Spring Equinox. And this year, with the annual Libra New Moon coming up just after this significant turning point, we are doubly reminded of the need to ‘turn over a new leaf’; to set some fresh intentions in place as we process through the experiences of the past 6 months.

Both New and Full Moons are great times to create rituals. They give us an emotional reference point on which to base that ritual. For instance, this upcoming New Moon in Libra can facilitate a focus on expanding relationships, finding common ground, and pursuing personal integrity no matter the cost. Libran energy is, at the highest of levels focused on justice & integrity.

So, what kind of ritual? Well, ritual is anything that you choose it to be. It does not have to be fancy or complicated, surrounded by pretentious and often incomprehensible actions. Rather, it should be something that is meaningful to YOU, something that enhances your own personal connection to whatever you have designated as the ‘divine’. It could involve movement like dancing or rhythmic walking, singing, chanting, eating, drinking, or any other human activity that can transport you into a reverent and open-minded state. Of course, the more that the ritual is aligned to the energy of the moment, the more powerful it becomes. So, as we move through Libra, focus on ‘the heart’; think Venus thoughts; consider options & the consequences that flow from whatever choice is made. All of these things belong to the cooperative, conciliatory energy of Libra, the energy of “WE”…not “ME”…

With this New Moon, the focus of the transiting energy is on deep & reflective meditative observance of the ‘ritual’ of being itself. It is about opening the higher chakras to an influx of divine energy and then searching for a way to enact that energy in practical healing and humble ways.

And truth. This lunation is about ‘truth’, particularly personal, inner truth. Find your own truth, and bring it into the core of your being. Hold fast to that truth. And possibly, be prepared to discover new and unique ways to concretize your truth in your life.

We are in the midst of a massive retrograde that includes Mercury, Mars & all of the outers. Why Mars? Get ready for the official shift into full retrograde motion of Mars in Gemini that happens at the end of October but be acutely aware that we are already in the ‘pre-shadow’ period when Mars is skipping through the degrees that will be included in his retrograde. So, if you are experiencing glitches, interruptions, hiccups, or stalls, that, along with the Mercury retrograde could well be a contributing factor. As always, life does not STOP during retrogrades so our job is to be conscious of the potential hesitations that may occur along the way. By the next FULL MOON, Mercury will be moving forward, though not yet past the ‘shadow’ point. Nevertheless, the sense of impasse will begin to face somewhat.

Jupiter is retrograde in Aries, exactly opposed to the lunation so allow yourself to hope & dream quietly and with a measure of restraint. There is a light beginning to glimmer on the horizon & it will increase gradually & in time. The inspirational energy of Aries is a promise from the Divine.

It’s a time for review & re-ordering of personal process. Take the time to re-consider the tenets of your life & ensure that you are who you say you are. We all are facing a changing of the guard in the days ahead so we want to be sure of where we stand as the old order passes away & the new order is ushered in.



The Sabian Symbols for this New Moon are:




Change is coming. We are at a nexus point in terms of our collective development. What that change will be is yet to be clearly defined. It is up to each of us to determine who we are & where we stand in relation to this incoming change. It is up to us, individually, to work towards the promise of change rather than the calamity of change. “DAWN” is always a time of hope. It is up to us to make it so.

What is our outline? Where is our allegiance? How do we demonstrate our commitment to what we stand for? If we are that man in Cameo, what, exactly, is our country? That is the task at hand for each of us; to gain clarity through the reflective process; to gain certainty of our own inner integrity & to stand firm in it.


The chant/mantra for this New Moon


I am open to the direction of the divine

I am willing to follow my heart

Show me the pathway

I will follow

Fill me with courage

I will use it

Blessed Be…

Pisces Full Moon: September 10, 2022 @ 4:58 AM CDT

Magical moments await us as the Pisces Full Moon shines on…

Pisces energy is, at the purest of levels, of the divine. It is where we discover the true meaning of spirituality, the essence of merging with that unseen yet immanent presence that is around us all.

This is one of the most magically mystical Full Moons of the yearly cycle. Think back to the New Moon in Pisces last March & review the intentions you set back then. How have you done in the ensuing 6 months? Have you made progress or did you get sidetracked? No judgments are allowed. Just observe & then reset where necessary. This is another way to work with the lunar cycle, stretching it beyond the polarity of the monthly transit & into the bi-annual recurrence of the energy, first as an initiation & then, 6 months later, as a culmination.

As this Moon rises in our sky, all of the planets are retrograde. It is time to reflect on the activity of the past 6 months & make whatever adjustments are needed so that we continue to walk in our spiritual strength & truth.

Mercury in Libra is at his station, preparing to retrograde until early October. Who is a part of your world? Who do you partner with? Who is your influencer? It’s time to take a close look at all transactional relationships & make some evaluations.

Venus in Virgo is balsamic to the Sun, ready to release anything that is no longer of value. This kind of alignment can often coincide with a changing of the guard…a coming to an end of things long established…a closure or completion & an ushering in of a new set of values & standards. On an individual level give permission to yourself to open your fingers & let go as the Pisces Moon shimmers on.

And don’t forget that Mars in Gemini is gradually slowing down to his retrograde point in late October. Back up all electronic devices. Make lists so you don’t forget to attend to your obligations. Keep plenty of water on hand—pure living water—so as to keep your electrolytes balanced. Rest. Geminian energy, when stirred up, can result in nervous exhaustion so be mindful.

Jupiter is retrograde in Aries:  direct November 23, 2022

Saturn is retrograde in Aquarius:  direct October 23, 2022

Uranus is retrograde in Taurus:  direct January 22, 2023

Neptune is retrograde in Pisces: direct December 4, 2022

Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn: direct October 8, 2022

Mark these dates down in your Astro calendar. Then observe what YOU feel as each of these energies shifts into forward motion.

With Neptune closely aligned to the Moon, give yourself permission to BELIEVE. Believe that love & goodness will prevail. If you have to, turn off your media & give yourself a break from the calamity of men. It is still unclear which way the collective will go. That knowledge is hidden from us, probably because it does us no good to know too much. However, we are part of the ‘ALL IS’, the SOURCE, so we can hold onto that & maintain a calm heart knowing that whatever might occur, there is something more than just what we experience on this material level. That is the gift of Neptune; a connection to the GREAT INTEGRITY, the DIVINE, or whatever you may choose to call it. (And humans have called this force of nature by many names & in many ways!)

The Sabian Symbols for the wonderful Full Moon are:


Life follows its own course. We are the players & we are the observers. If we grasp this fundamental truth that ‘all the world’s a stage & we the players on it’, we will be better equipped to deal with the perplexities of this existence, knowing that there is something more that exists than what we see. Stay detached from the ego drama & just enjoy the show…


There is SO much information floating around that it can be overwhelming to discern what we should pay attention to & what is not worth paying attention to. However, we must be cautious as we delve into the information available. Not all intuitions are valid. Not all instincts lead us to true understanding. So, DO THE RESEARCH to the best of your capacity. There is yet more to be revealed.  Whatever we do, we must not just blindly accept the prevailing narrative because it is easy to do so. And, we must not allow fear to be the primary emotion as we attempt to ‘get at the truth’ of the matter. In our current global situation, there is a growing number of professionals from all walks of life who are beginning to question the ways & means that have been used to combat what has been labeled as a ‘pandemic’. Substantiated accounts are beginning to come out about corruption, coercion & deceit at the highest levels of governmental oversight. Never overlook the fact that this current world system is based on greed & avarice; a kill or be killed kind of attitude. Look into your own inner knowing, your true heart & listen to what it is telling you. Identify the LIE. Focus on the TRUTH.

The following is taken from THE TAO TE CHING; ISBN 1 84483 222 8


Allow the heart to empty itself

of all turmoil!

Retrieve the utter tranquility of mind

from which you issued.

Although all forms are dynamic,

And we all grow and transform,

Each of us is compelled

To return to our root.

Our root is quietude.

To fully return to our root

Is to be enlightened.

Never to experience tranquility

Is to act blindly,

A sure path to disaster.

To know tranquility is to embrace all.

Justice is the foundation for wholeness.

Wholeness is the GREAT INTEGRITY.


Is the infinite fulfilling itself.

May you all find some comfort at this glorious & hopefully TRANQUIL FULL MOON.


Blessed be.


There is nothing quite like a VIRGO NEW MOON…It feels like a surge of impetus to bring order to a sometimes chaotic reality.  Well, we sure do have that at the moment! On an individual level, there is not all that much that we can do to ‘organize’ what is going on in society. The collective consciousness is attempting to balance itself & we are all a part of that collective. Any balancing requires adjustment & even discomfort as the process continues to its hopefully ‘EVEN’ end…lol. We can, of course, keep a clear visualization within ourselves of the kind of world we want to live in & the kind of people we want to associate with as the chaos continues. If a sufficient number of clear-minded individuals hold to the same purpose, the same goal, the same dream, then the potential of concretization of that shared vision is more likely. Clearly, we have not yet reached that ever-so-critical tipping point of collective power. The key is to NOT give up because of despair. It takes time to build anything that is of value. As the saying goes, “Rome was not built in one day…”

However, there’s a whole lot we can do on the individual level when it comes to organizing the chaos that we may be experiencing in our own lives. Virgo is the energy of constructive order; an arranging of reality that serves as a solid foundation for purposeful living. Virgo, at the highest level, is healing, and integration. When something is integrated & ‘healed’, it functions smoothly according to its intended purpose. This principle applies to all facets of manifest reality but, of course, where we would like to most experience integration is within our own psyches and especially in these days of uncertainty, misinformation & secret machinations. A well-integrated psyche is a psyche that can weather whatever storms may arise around it.

This New Moon occurs within the first 10 degrees, the 1st DECANATE, of Virgo. Astrologically, this is understood to be the purest of Virgo energies, Virgo underlined by Virgo.

(The DECANATES divide each 30-degree zodiac sign into 3 parts with each 10-degree section aligned to each of the 3 signs of the element in question. So, for Virgo, AN EARTH ENERGY, the first 10 degrees are aligned to Virgo, the second 10 degrees are aligned to Capricorn & the last 10 degrees are aligned to Taurus. When we see any placement within the first 10 degrees, we understand that we are dealing with Virgo/Virgo impulse; Virgo unencumbered by anything but itself…lol!)

So, as the end of the Summer & the beginning of the Fall get underway, we have the opportunity to address all aspects of our lives that need some re-ordering, some ‘clean-up, some analysis as to whether some purging & refinement need to be done.

Review your functional life. What needs to be addressed? Particularly, find the 5* point of Virgo in your own chart & ponder what you could do to IMPROVE (an apt Virgo concept), that area of life. Go back to your general house descriptions and apply them.

A quick review:

1/7:        You & others

2/8:        resources & debts

3/9:        communication &     philosophy

4/10:      private life & public life

5/11:      passion & purpose

6/12:      service & devotions

The preceding keywords are just some of the descriptions of what each house represents. In previous blogs, I have listed others so it’s useful to keep a list ongoing as you explore the nuances of your own natal chart energy. There are many resources available where you can find other keywords & thoughts about how each house relates to the functioning individual psyche. To demonstrate here is a brief example…

If the New Moon falls in the 1st house of your natal chart, you may well feel a strong desire to review & reorganize the way you go about your daily life. You may feel like it’s time for a ‘makeover’ & you may suddenly realize that if you don’t do some major clean-up both within yourself & in the context of ‘other’ involvement, you will lose your mind!

(Remember, energy works on a polarity basis so the 1st house is linked to the 7th house and so forth. See the relationships in the preceding list of house operations. Ripples of the energetic impulse can flow from one to the other. As an example, the way that you choose to act—1st house—will inevitably affect how you experience relationship—7th house.)

To continue with the example, the closer the 5* point of Virgo is to your own natal ascendant, the more intense this impulse might be! And, if you happen to be a Virgo Ascendant, you are wired to want order around yourself & having this core energy triggered by a New Moon just intensifies that fundamental inclination even more. You may suddenly decide to discard clothes that no longer reflect who you think you are (1st house) or you may come to realize that certain of your relationships are no longer serving you in a positive way (polarity 7th house). Once these realizations take shape in your psyche, your job is to create a strategy that will address whatever needs to be altered or refined. If you choose not to act, then nothing will change. If you choose to act rashly, you will bear the consequences. If you take your time & act with pre-meditated caution, you will succeed.

Virgo is analytical energy, ruled by the planet, Mercury. Data & the dissemination of said data are of utmost importance when undertaking a Virgo process. Ensure that you have as much RELEVANT & ACCURATE data as possible before forming a plan of action!

Within the scope of this New Moon cycle, Mercury stations Retrograde on September 9, 2022, @ 9*Libra & travels back into Virgo until October 2, 2022, where he stations direct @ 25 Virgo. This underscores the need for caution & review as you implement any ‘clean-up’ strategies in your own life. Be like the carpenter who measures twice & cuts once.

Fast-moving Venus is in a dynamic relationship with the Uranus/Nodal axis conjunction at about 17*-20* fixed. It’s a great time to step back & review what is important to you. Is it time to return to long-held but forgotten values? Are there relationships in your life that need an overhaul?  Uranus in Taurus is all about the reconstruction of the essential organic energy of life itself. Applied to us, as individuals, it represents our return to basics, our reconnection to the simple things in life, and a reboot of pure living & being.  We should all ponder where we are on that scale. Are we natural or artificial? And these questions apply both to our physical choices & to our emotional ones. Stop eating fast food. It may fill you up but it will not ultimately satisfy or nourish you. Stop looking for that ‘fast food fix’ when it comes to relationships! It may be a momentary distraction but it will not stand the test of time.

Mars has now moved into Gemini & fasten your seatbelts, folks! Mars will stay in this mutable airy energy until late March of 2023 because of his retrograde which begins in late October & ends in mid-January, 2023. Collectively, Mars retrogrades are times to adjust the way we walk through the world. Individually, we should take a close look at where this particular retrograde falls in our natal charts & give some thought as to how to navigate the possible bumps that we will experience along the way in the area of life that is highlighted. This retrograde will be particularly significant for anyone with pronounced Gemini/Sagittarius energy. (Remember to consider the polarity!) Solar Geminis, Lunar Geminis, Gemini Ascendants or Midheavens, Mercury, Venus or Mars in Gemini &/or the polarity sign, Sagittarius: all of these placements will need to be extra mindful over the next 8 months. If you have pronounced Gemini/Sagittarius energy as listed above, you may want to consult an astrologer as to how this retrograde will work for you. On a general level, retrogrades can slow things down (especially Mars retrograde) & are great times to step back & pause, wait & reflect as to how to proceed. In Gemini, this retrograde could create confusion & a muddled mind! So, don’t get disheartened if things do not move as quickly as you would like or you feel overwhelmed with the sheer quantity of information that you have to sort through. The retrograde will eventually end & by April of 2023, things will begin to get back on track.

At the moment of the New Moon, on August 27, 2022, transiting Mars will be exactly square–a dynamic & triggering aspect–to the lunation! Expect to feel a surge of impetus to ‘do the work’ that the Virgo New Moon represents. While being square to the lunation, transiting Mars is in a beautiful Trine aspect to the ruler of the New Moon, Mercury! When a square aspect that can sometimes be irritating or hard to manage is supported by a lovely trine aspect that is facilitating & supportive of purposeful progress, as in the case of this New Moon, you have ALL HANDS ON DECK to accomplish whatever you choose to accomplish.



Once again we are encouraged to consider the magical even though this time we are living through feels the most unmagical of all. Perhaps this is a call to action. Perhaps we are being reminded that reality is far more than just the concrete. Is there a place within us that can embrace the mystical? The unseen? The impossible? Perhaps that is the only way that we will create the will to survive the darkness that exists around us at this time.


In the second symbol, we are yet again reminded that when we work collectively for the good of all, we will reap rewards that far exceed the mere material. Aligning to natural law, to a simple & pure inner moral compass that is focused on love & truth will serve to strengthen & sustain us as we work to create a better world for ourselves & the generations that will follow us.

Happy, happy New Moon in Virgo…let’s all get down to doing the WORK!


Let’s all hope for a clear & warm night so that we can enjoy the beauty of the upcoming Full Moon in Aquarius. There is nothing quite like a Full Moon evening…

This current Moon cycle, starting with the New Moon in Leo a few weeks ago, (scroll down to see that blog), takes us on a journey into personal creativity & how it can benefit the greater collective. Leo energy is about the loving heart while Aquarius energy embraces the many to join the few.

Do you sense that changes are afoot? Do you have a feeling of anticipation but you can’t quite articulate what it might be about? There is a dynamic alignment that includes the Moon/Sun, both square to the North Node, Uranus & Mars in Taurus. Stuff can happen when squares are present. Think sudden impact or the resulting explosion when tension is released after a time of inertia. Locate the Leo/Aquarius polarity in your own chart & ask yourself what, in this part of your life is coming to a climax. Or you might be having some ‘illuminations’ in this area. Then look at the 20 ish degree of Taurus in your chart. Where do you find it? Whatever house is featured gives you a clue as to what might be contributing to your growing awareness or what might be triggering some kind of internal enlightenment.

House One:        personal circumstances; MO

House Two:        resources; values

House Three:     Ideas; communication; family dynamics

House Four:        inner security; home life

House Five:         love; creativity

House Six:           work; habitual ritual

House Seven:    relationships; contractual arrangements

House Eight:       intimacy; commitment; depth perceptions

House Nine:       travel; belief structures; ethics

House Ten:         Public persona; external image; career issues

House Eleven:   goals; dreams; community links

House Twelve:  Inner insight; spiritual inclinations; unconscious urges

Combine the houses where you find Leo, Aquarius & Taurus & play around with what it could be trying to tell you.

Here is an example:

The full Moon is in your 5th house, the Sun, of course, is in your 11th (the polarity dynamic), and 20 * Taurus is in your 8th house.

Your creative life (Moon in the 5th) might be triggered by sudden awareness on your part of deeper mysteries (Uranus in the 8th) at play around you. You may suddenly (Uranus) realize that something that you are creating (5th house) could be a gift to your community (11th house) & it is time for you to take action (Mars), take the plunge into the mystery (Uranus in the 8th) & bring it into concrete form; ground it; shape it; make it real (Taurus).

A new romance is in the works (5th house). You met because you both have the same goals (11th house). The growing relationship changes everything & fast! (Mars/ Uranus in the 8th). And it affects your foundational reality in unforeseen ways. (Uranus in Taurus in the 8th).

It’s really fun to play around with astrological archetypes in this way. The combinations are endless & the best part is that if you stumble across something that you do not particularly care for, you can make amendments as you wish to…absolutely brilliant!


Between the previous New Moon in Leo & this upcoming Full Moon in Aquarius, the collective experienced a rare alignment of Mars, Uranus & the Moon’s Nodes at around the 20* Taurus mark. Wherever this point is found in your natal chart can demonstrate what exactly in your personal reality might be in the process of shift & change. Again, use the same method to nail down what area of life is involved. Remember, Taurus is all about what is fundamental, real, not illusory or artificially fabricated. Taurus is the hardcore truth, not the spin & lies that our current collective reality is based on. What is actually true for you? What is common sense in your life? What will stand the test of time & what will fall apart?

Over the next little while, we will likely experience some reality bumps as we bounce along the road of life. Our job is to carefully & mindfully face the truth that is revealed & act accordingly on a personal level. If you have been making choices on the basis of what you thought was true & you suddenly come to realize that it was merely partial truth or even complete & utter propaganda, then be bold & change your position. Admit that what you thought to be true was not true or even half true & do the necessary reparation to better align with what is true. This is not easy. It takes grit, guts & the courage of a HERO. But, in the end, it is incredibly rewarding to that person who is the only one that matters in these cases…YOU! There is nothing that compares to the inner knowledge that you faced your demons & prevailed…and survived.

All of the outers except for Uranus are now RX. Uranus will station RX on August 24th, just prior to the next New Moon. This is a time to regroup, reconsider, take a breath & integrate all of the various experiences that you have been having. Ebb & flow. Flow & ebb…

The Sabian symbols for this Full Moon are:


White doves are traditionally the bearers of glad tidings. According to Biblical Mythology, Noah sent out a white dove to find evidence of dry land after the Great Flood. This symbol assures us that Peace will come, that the tide will turn, and that blessings are on the way.

The poet, T.S Elliot wrote of this kind of profound shift of events in the FOUR QUARTETS:

‘And all shall be well and

All manner of thing shall be well

When the tongues of flame are infolded

Into the crowned knot of fire

And the fire and the rose are one’

If you are troubled, keep your faith well in hand. Keep believing in the principle of peace. Stay the course & TRUST the process. In the end, all will be well.


The LEO symbol reinforces the process of faith & trust. Gaia, mother to us all, will ultimately prevail. We, as her children can trust that this is true. Man, in all of his hubris has only been on this planet a short time. The planet has existed in all of her immutable glory long before humanity came to consciousness.

Keep yourself aligned to natural law; to that which is REALLY true. Stay healthy, stay clean & continue in your resolution to do what is ethical & ‘right’. Harmony with Gaia leads to long life & happiness…be well…

LEO NEW MOON: JULY 28, 2022 @ 12:55 PM

Calling all Leos! But especially those born close to the above date with those whose birthday is on the 28th in particular…  This is your New Moon…and what a New Moon it is!

For you who will be experiencing your Solar Return on July 28th, this is a significant year for you. An early in the day Return will bestow a Balsamic Sun/Moon alignment and as we move into the later hours of the day, the Moon will be reborn in Leo to bask in the rays of the glorious Sun.

Balsamic alignments are deep, mysterious & provide the potential for insight, ‘knowing’, and deep, deep understanding. Balsamic energy is both completion & fulfillment with a promise of a new cycle in the works. If you have this balsamic alignment between the Sun & Moon in your Solar Return chart, you have the opportunity to tie up loose ends & seed your soul for new ventures. What needs resolution in your life? What doors need to be firmly closed? What new doors need to be opened? What have you been avoiding or even denying that you now realize must be faced head-on & concluded? What, exactly, have you learned about yourself? Can you put that knowledge to work to actively re-create your life? Remember, the future already exists within you. It is your job to constantly refine the garden of your SELF so that only the strongest, the healthiest, the most helpful elements remain. This is your chance if you have this exquisite alignment this year to let go of the trash & usher in the GOLD!

This New Moon occurs at 5*LEO 38” or rounded up @ 6 degrees (*). Find that point in your own chart, even the non-Leos, & ponder on what new intentions can be created in that area of your life.

If this degree is somewhere in the first quarter of the chart, usher in protocols for self-improvement.

Second quarter? Creative projects that flow from a deep sense of inner awareness could be initiated & worked on.

Third quarter? Get rid of useless or toxic relationships, make a vow to be real & keep it real on every level.

Fourth quarter? Refresh your public persona; initiate some new directives in your ‘dream’ life & align to your deepest sense of being as you do this.


Remember, New Moons are a ‘clean the slate and let’s start something new’ kind of energy. It’s all about planting the seeds for a whole new cycle of growth. If you feel the urge to MOVE and GROOVE, you are tapping into this incoming energy as we get closer to this particular NEW MOON…

Here’s a very Leo thought to consider:


“Realization is not knowledge about the universe,

but the living experience of the nature of the universe.”

 Choygal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche


The Rinpoche pinpoints the essence of the leonine perspective. It is all about the sheer joy of BEING, and not the endless rumination of what that ‘beingness’ might mean.  Instead of trying to understand—(there will be time for that later on)—just embrace the present moment and revel in the sweetness of NOW.

So, set aside some time over the next few days to just sit and enjoy or walk and enjoy or run and enjoy—well, you get my meaning… 

Mars in Taurus is closing in on Uranus with the nodal axis inexorably moving to align with both. This is a significant meeting of energies. Within days of the NEW MOON, these three will converge @ 19* Taurus. Socially, everything is in flux & this could well mark a time of unexpected fundamental shift collectively. Taurus is all about the organic reality that exists whether we recognize or accept it. There is so much that we, the collective, do not know about what is really going on in the ‘halls of power’ but we are now beginning to realize that all is not as it once seemed to be. Pluto’s transit through Capricorn uncovered the deceit, the corruption & the skullduggery of the ruling class. Once revealed, we can no longer ‘unknow’ what we have learned. A recent poll in the USA showed that only 11% of the viewing public TRUSTED the mainstream media! This is a Pluto eventuality. As more and more lies & subterfuge are uncovered, this % will diminish even more. Now, when we hear a report, we ask ourselves, “whose interests are being served?” or even more so, “who is paying for this information to be reported?” Watch the ads that are run between the news stories. That will tell you who that is.

On a strictly personal level, find 19* Taurus in your own chart & stay alert in this area of your life. Be extra mindful on a purely physical level as Mars/Uranus closely conjoined can materialize in unexpected accidents! Look at the area of life where this degree is located & take precautions to not fall asleep at the wheel whether literally or metaphorically. Taurus & Scorpio types must take extra special care to do this. If you, as a solar Taurus born around May 10, have been looking for a change, it is coming your way. Scorpios born around November 12 can expect evidence of shift as well.

This alignment will also impact by square both solar Leo & Aquarius; August 12 & February 9 birthdates (+/-).

Of course, everyone is subject to this energy on some level so the astrological counsel is to STAY ALERT to the unexpected!

Jupiter in Aries is at his Station on the NEW MOON & will begin his retrograde back into Pisces until November 23, 2022, when he STATIONS DIRECT again. At the NEW MOON, Jupiter is closely trine to the Sun/Moon suggesting a positive outcome for any & all initiatives undertaken at this time. Fire energy is inspirational, exuberant & unstoppable. If you are working on creative projects, this is YOUR time to breathe in the energy of Aries & Leo & make your vision come to life. Whatever challenges you might be facing at this time can be overcome through sheer willpower & above all, FAITH, both aspects of FIRE ENERGY.

So, the energy is there. Your job is to access it with consciousness & deliberateness. Here is an example from real life. I know a Leo who has made it his life work to just be creative whatever it is that he is doing. He does happen to be an artist but his creativity does not stop with his art. You should see his garden! He always has a notebook close at hand so that he can jot down random words or pictures or even melodies that float through his fertile mind. He has abundant creative energy and he does not let it go to waste! Be inspired & make a memo to yourself so you don’t forget!

It’s a good habit to get into and MAINTAIN. If you don’t concretize those gifts from the collective consciousness, they will for sure dissolve into the ether where someone else may catch them and use them. It’s happened to me more than a few times so I speak from chagrined experience!

It is a great NEW MOON with unlimited potential with so much of the energy in the element of FIRE. Take advantage! It’s summer. It’s warm. Everything feels fine, at least for the moment.


The Sabian Symbols for this New Moon are:







Here is a reminder that the past is valuable even as we move into an ever-changing future. It is in the ‘now’ that we can meld the two together. Use what you know from experience to create a more stable foundation as you move into your future. If we do not learn from the past, we are, indeed, condemned to repeat the very same errors that we have already made. This is true both individually & as a collective. Let us all pinpoint whatever is NOT working so that it can be repaired or replaced with something that may work better.

The second Symbol reminds us that life is experiential. No matter how much we attempt to control it, our life will unfold according to how we interact with the energy around us & within us. In the end, it is ONLY through the absorption of the essence of any given experience that we can learn & hopefully grow (evolve).

Albert Einstein is quoted as saying:

            Life is not a problem to be solved but a mystery to be experienced…


The message is: Use the gifts that you have acquired to live fully in the present so that the future can unfold accordingly.

Fix it in your heart, stroke it with your mind, and follow the bread crumbs to that sweet spot of contentment. It’s the contentment that comes from a path well-traveled and a hope firmly held.


As Queen so simply, yet eloquently put it, “We are the Champions of the world!”

(A very Leo thing to think and feel!)


So go at it. Do something different or dramatic or dashing…well, do anything at all for that matter!


Summer kisses to all!


Capricorn Full Moon, July 13, 2022 @1:38 PM CDT

Full Moon in Capricorn: July 13, 2022 @ 1:38 PM


With the New Moon in Cancer two weeks ago, our emotional centers were triggered and the themes of self-care, self-love, and self-affirmation were highlighted. Any wounds that were hiding deep within our hearts may have been opened up to the possibility of healing or at the very least, to the beginning of exploratory work by us into sensitive areas. Now, with a glorious summer Full Moon in the partner sign to Cancer, CAPRICORN, we can take the steps that are needed to implement strong and steady strategies that could facilitate ongoing self-reliance, self-assurance, and self-promotion.

Capricorn is the energy of competency, self-motivation, and efficient management of all areas of living. Its real-time application of real kinds of strategies—not pie-in-the-sky fantasy but hard-core, down-to-earth things that actually might work in the now. In Capricorn, we set aside histrionics, moodiness, and co-dependency. Now we enter into the arena of responsible adulthood, taking charge of our reality, and ensuring the success of our undertakings. And, not because of some vague emotional desire but rather, because we have made good solid plans of action that will incrementally and inexorably lead to that desired success. As the Moon soars in the summer sky, we drink up the truth serum that she bestows upon us via the hard-nosed and unrelenting rays of Capricorn.

So, how are you doing with addressing emotional stresses? Have you taken some time to face up to any issues that may be lurking around in your psyche? If yes, good on you. Keep at it. If not, set aside some time for self-reflection and let that fat full Moon work her magic on you.

This Full Moon is full of earth-shaking energy if we choose to access it. At the exact Full Moon point, lady Moon is fast approaching Pluto and both are ruled by Saturn in Aquarius. This combo of energies reinforces objective realism. Yes, we seek meaning but we do so with a cool detached perspective, not allowing personal prejudices to influence us. We want the facts, without the editorial content. Once we have enough data, we will make our own conclusions under the light that comes from a spiritual (ideally) perspective. By around 11:00 pm, the Moon will have conjoined Pluto @ 28* Capricorn, while making a square to Mars & finishing off an earthy trine to Uranus. Unexpected rumblings can definitely still occur. Always be conscious of Moon/Pluto dances as this union has the potential to explode into awareness and especially when Mars & Uranus are involved. In Capricorn, the Moon is technically restrained, controlled & self-managed but when Pluto sticks his finger into the pot, anything can happen, even in Capricorn.

One possible manifestation of Moon/Pluto is ANGER. Monitor your responses (MOON) so that they do not get out of control (PLUTO) before you know what is happening. Plutonic energy is often hidden until it is not…LOL!

Adding a sense of lightness & frivolity to the rather somber Capricorn energy, we have Venus in delightful Gemini & Mars in sensual Taurus. Read a romance novel or even better, engage in a real romance. Go on a date. Send someone you like/love a mushy card. Throw an impromptu party. Just don’t forget about Moon/Pluto lurking in the background. Having fun can sometimes dissolve into mayhem if we aren’t careful to moderate ourselves…

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are:






There are definitely times when we must recognize that it is better to surrender than to fight. If we are going through personal trial, facing issues within ourselves or dealing with issues that involve others, we must be uber aware of how to engage, how to proceed, & when to pause. If we have been long denying the reality of a given situation, let us be willing to at long last, call it like it is. And ultimately, on a strictly spiritual level, let’s recognize that we are not ‘in control’ and if we feel that we are, it may be time to surrender to the truth that we definitely ARE NOT IN CONTROL. And that is just fine.

The Cancer symbol guarantees that if we wait, with patience & composure for our ‘boat’ to arrive, it eventually will. In fact, it is the act of surrender, highlighted in the Capricorn symbol, that provides us with the capacity to be patient, to wait, to stay calm & to have faith in the inexorable process of life. Let us all stay in the present moment without regret for the past or anticipation for the future. We have everything that we need JUST HERE, JUST NOW…at this moment.

We are living in interesting times. Reality is shifting before our eyes. Nations are rising & nations are falling and we, this generation, are witness to it. Fortify your own self. Be clear about your own values. Hold fast to your own truth & TRUST that love will ultimately prevail.

Enjoy the MOON as she sails the darkening skies…

New Moon in Cancer & the Solstice..woohoo!!! June 28, 2022 @ 9:53 pm CDT

New Moons are beginnings and yes, they do come around once every month so the initiations are not necessarily large-scale but more along the lines of short-range directives and easily accomplished goals; sprints rather than marathons. I really like these little incremental strategic plans of action. Goals that are actualized always result in a sense of accomplishment and act as a spur for even more courageous initiative on the part of the successful doer. It’s the easiest way to build up confidence. Set yourself small goals, fulfill those goals, and then take it to the next level.  Baby steps are always the best course of action. No leaping off tall buildings without some kind of safety net, please. We are not super-humans—YET…

You can tailor your plans of action around the central energy of each New Moon as it rolls around each month. So, for instance, this month it’s all about the emotional body—how we feel, how we react, how we process what the heart receives. Added to this is the fact that we have just had one of the most glorious events of the annual cycle—THE SUMMER SOLSTICE. We luxuriate in those long sultry summer days that drift lazily into sweet velvety nights filled with gorgeous celestial objects that enrapture us as we gaze at them, especially for those of us in the Northern hemisphere (the more north you go, the better).

We are more relaxed during the summer and this relaxation provides us with a measure of security as we review our relationship life, our feeling nature, and the things that incite emotion within us. The question:  How SECURE do you feel about this part of your life? What fears rise up in your consciousness when you think about these elements and/or issues? Can you come up with any strategies to address the things that are not working? Take some time to sit with these thoughts and brainstorm a few ideas. Then, as the month progresses, you can see if what you imagined can actually be put into action.

The call to action, then, is EMOTIONAL GROWTH, at the very least, and EMOTIONAL TRANSFORMATION, if we pull up our bootstraps and really get down to business. It’s about YOU, your deep-down feelings, your intimacy quotient, your family, your roots, and the place you call…’ home’. Wrap yourself up in the cozy energy of Cancer New Moon & explore it all.

Both Mercury & Venus have now shifted into Gemini, that lovely flirtatious energy! The mind, (Mercury) wants to keep things mobile & light & Venus desires nothing much more than fun in the sun. The directive here is to find ways to lighten your tempo as you process through emotional issues. Detach a bit from overly subjective or melancholic reactions if something rattles your rib cage & tries to grab a hold of your heart. The airy signs like friendship but not necessarily, overdependence on it. A friend can wear many faces so variety is the name of the game.

Mars & Jupiter are still in Aries though Mars will shift into Taurus in early July before the next Full Moon in Capricorn. What new initiatives can you create in your own life? Can you find the impulse necessary to be a new you? Do you have the guts to go for the glory? Aries is the energy of ACTION & boldness so take a close look at your own natal chart to see where the Aries part of your psyche is being prodded into action. If you have significant Aries energy, then this is YOUR time to go for the brass ring. Sun, Moon, or Rising Aries people will feel the heat of these fiery flames to get off their behinds & MAKE SOMETHING, ANYTHING, happen! With Jupiter continuing through Aries for the next year or so, (he dips back into Pisces from October 29-December 20, 2022), this is a very special time for all of you Aries types! The more that you can create an environment of hope and trust around yourself, the more likely you will reap the rewards that come from the goodness of Jupiter.

There is an almost perfect square aspect between the Moon & Jupiter. Squares crackle with energy. This energy can be quite explosive if we do not carefully manage our responses to others. With a square it can be like turning a corner & seeing the way out or, conversely, suddenly ramming into someone at a crossing, so, don’t be caught off guard. Watch your responses. Confrontations are a result of carelessness so be careful.

Uranus & the nodes of the Moon are doing the two-step, with the north node moving ever closer to Uranus in Taurus. What is the directional flow in your life? This is especially the case for anyone with Taurus/Scorpio energy prominently featured or the nodes in that polarity. Be willing to change your reality and work with, not against the rhythm of life. Plans are only made so that they can be broken or altered. What is the cliché? Life is what happens while we are making other plans…

The Sabian Symbols for this New Moon are:








In shamanic teaching, rabbits are connected to the primal energy of FEAR. Emotional process often elicits a fear response within us as we face those inner insecurities. This symbol urges us to FACE OUR FEARS. By yanking them out into the clear light of day, we can focus on them & transform them. Instead of those troubling thoughts that lurk behind the corners of our minds, we can shake them out, ‘dress them up’ & review them as if they were ‘on parade’. Fears strangle us only if they are kept under wraps. Heroes are not fearless; rather they are willing to meet their fears head-on & work around them. We can all be the Heroes of our lives. It is a choice.

The second symbol is yet another promise of joy & victory if we make the choice to be a HERO! There is nothing more uplifting than hearing the sweet songs of birds. Songbirds are an omen of something good coming down the pikes. Last month one of the symbols was that of a bluebird at the door while this month, that bird has entered the house & is now heralding something wonderful!

So, enjoy the New Moon. Do what needs to be done this month. And always remember to insert some FUN, no matter how difficult that might be to do!



A quick word about the Summer Solstice:

There are 4 cross-quarter points within the wheel of the year. At the Summer Solstice, we reach that point, (in the Northern Hemisphere), when the Sun is at his strongest.

This year the energy of the solstice is all about reaching for the prize, taking action, cultivating hope & faith & believing in the promise of a change! The Moon & Jupiter unite in Aries & send the crackling energy of hope to the Sun in Cancer. We are encouraged to set some clear-eyed goals to make definable changes in our lives, to shake off doubts & fears & to pursue excellence at every turn. We are responsible for the reality that we live so it is incumbent upon us to dig deep & step up to the plate. No more denial, no more blaming others, no more procrastination. If we want it, then we must go after it. Period. Hopefully, you are feeling the enthusiastic energy that was captured at the solstice, Ready, Set & GO!


Fill your tanks…it’s time to…READY, GET SET & GO!

As summer finally rolls in, we have a super-duper shiny Moon in the fiery and mutable sign of Sagittarius. It’s the kind of energy that has a hard time sitting still, so if you get a hankering for distant horizons, new adventures, or unknown locales, you are plugging into this exuberant, irrepressible energy. Devil may care? YES. Love it or leave it? You bet. Get rid of all the junk and finally be free? Close enough!

You must go outside for the next few nights and just gaze at that Moon. She’s shining brightly at the moment. Feel the hopefulness seep back into your bones as you look up at her. Yes, there is another option. Yes, the horizon beckons and it isn’t scary in the least. Yes, there is a new dawn, a new day, and even a new you if you want it.

Mercury has completed his retrograde motion thru Gemini & a dip back into Taurus and is now almost completely thru the shadow period of the retrograde cycle, nearing the degree when he Stationed RX. Creative impulses are ripe and ready to drop so be prepared to catch them, find the wave, and get carried into whatever activity brings you the most pleasure, satisfaction, and reward. For some, it might be the fullness of creative expression. For others, it could be getting right in the face of what you want to change about yourself. Whatever it is, creative energy is the energy of ACTION. If you do not actually follow through it will fizzle and wither away like a fire that is not fed. So, take that urge, however tiny or large it is and work it, baby, work it. With Mars, now speeding thru his home sign of Aries, the energy literally crackles with potential. Caution? Think twice before taking the plunge but, of course, be willing to take it!

Venus, comfortable in her home sign of Taurus is still flirting with Uranus so be prepared for unexpected events taking place! The promise of Uranus is sudden & unforeseen alteration of the status quo. A new lover could suddenly appear; money for nothing might come your way! It is the unsolicited gift, the thing that was not planned for but may well be better than the thing that was! Just roll with whatever comes your way.

The call to action with this lunation is to be courageous, bold, and self-aware. Do what feels right to YOU and not what you think should feel right to you. There is only one person that you must please and that is yourself. If you are fully in love with that person, all else will fall into place, the life choices, the relationships, the money problems, the responsibilities, and the obligations. Knowing exactly who you are and owning it provides a strong foundation for positive interaction with all aspects of your life on this plane. The Sag Full Moon says, be who you are. Be free. Be bold and adventuresome. Just be. And, above all, LOVE IT! FOLLOW YOUR HEART…


The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are:




What hopeful images! Bluebirds have long been an omen of good fortune. To have a bluebird at one’s door is definitely an inspiring thought!

Along with the secondary image of playful children enjoying themselves even in wintry weather, we are encouraged to find joy & happiness in simple pleasures & make the most of what is available.

With Sagittarius energy, we look to the positive & accentuate that which we CAN do to improve our reality. Let’s all get on the frisky Sagittarian horse & gallop gallantly into a greener future!


Thought for this Full Moon

I am a warrior full of courage and fire;

I reach for the MOON and catch all the stars…