NEW MOON IN SCORPIO; 11-07.18-10:02 AM CST

When the Moon slides into Scorpio every month and smolders there for about 2 ½ days, the secret part of the self, the inner reaches of the heart, the most hidden feelings and emotions can be stirred up. In Scorpio we find the courage to face the unknown. Whatever is hidden, is uncovered. It can be an exhilarating few days or a harrowing few days, depending on the extent of our desire to face the shadow that resides within us.

In traditional Astrology, Moon in Scorpio was understood to be the place of the Moon’s ‘FALL’. As the word suggests, it was not necessarily a happy kind of placement. Modern day astrologers look at things a little differently. Remember, that our historical understanding of this mysterious artful science, was formulated within an era when choice was limited or even restricted; when rules of conduct were rigid and proscribed. The King was the King and the serf was the serf and seldom did the two meet. Today, we are moving into the AGE of EGALITARIANISM, (though ever so slowly), and the little person, the silent citizen, is now beginning to recognize that her voice is as significant as that of any so-called ‘King’. Rules are meant to be broken and the status quo has become a fluid, almost living thing. Are we re-inventing the wheel? Possibly so. All that is broken is now being examined and we are vigorously exploring ideas to repair, replace and re-formulate. So, we modern astrologers regard the Moon in Scorpio as an archetype of incredible will, indefatigable courage and fearlessness in the face of misfortune. Moon in Scorpio is the stalwart survivor of the zodiac, absorbing all negativity and assiduously acting to transmute it into something useful.

This particular lunation is full of magic and inspiration. The Sun/Moon conjunction—New Moons are a time when the Moon travels into the brilliance of the Sun and rests there for a few days—is beautifully aligned to the planet Neptune, creating an aura of mystical magical musing. If you are inclined that way, that is. Use these next few days to explore hopes and dream, to imagine the impossible and them to imagine it into the possible. Allow yourself to suspend reality for however long you can and let the Moon in Scorpio show you your deepest desires, your most secret longings.

Jupiter is at the final degrees of Scorpio, almost ready to burst into Sagittarius. We are ready to take off our dreaming cloak and jump onto our horse, race for the horizon. The steamy, sultry energy of Scorpio will be discarded and for the next year, Jupiter will encourage us to dream big and reach for the stars. Use this next few days to imagine the next 12 months of your life. What do you want to do? Where do you want to go? Who do you want to be?

We are still in the midst of the Venus Retrograde cycle with Venus situated at 27* Libra RX. Are you reconsidering your values? Are you reviewing where you place your bets? What motivates you? What do you actually, truly, deep down want in your life? This New Moon in Scorpio can provide you with the little bit of extra oomph to be HONEST with yourself and spit out the truth, if only in the privacy of your own room when you are well and truly alone.

The Nodal Axis has now shifted into Cancer/Capricorn. For the last 18 months or so, we have been exploring our individual need to proclaim ourselves, to out ourselves, to be who we want to be. Now the experimentation must be grounded into the deepest part of our individual psyches. The North Node in Cancer calls us to align the external expression with a deep and abiding internal resolution. We need to FEEL our convictions deep within our bones. We need to flesh out our aspirations with rock solid strategies that will ensure that we attain the goals that we set. BE WHO YOU ARE. FEEL your way into yourself. Be true to those uncovered feelings that may have risen to the surface of your soul.

This New Moon is a promise of insight, a boost of personal power, a call to authenticity of emotion. Used wisely, this energy is healing, transformative and empowering. Glorious New Moon in Scorpio. Let us begin again.

The Sabian Symbols for this New Moon are:






Smiles produce positive return. Work at being the ideal that you imagine. Happiness is worth the effort. Put your whole soul into the pursuit of a happy countenance. People love smiling eyes.

Stay ever humble. Do not over reach or assume that you have all the answers. Allow the divine to guide you and always opt for the path of righteousness rather than the path of self-interest. Joy and wisdom are born from a happy heart and an unpretentious mind. Ask rather than answer. Seek rather than find. It is in the ongoing search for truth that the answers reside.


Scorpio Magick

I am the spider who weaves the web

The shadow that covers the soul

I am the darkness of midnight and the silence of the witching hour

I am the magick in the mystery of the unseen

I am she who senses

She who knows

She who transforms

She who is reborn





Essence of life