Generational Energies: Part 2

In my last blog, we explored the energy of the so-called ‘baby boomers’. Today we will move on and dig into the energy of subsequent generational groups and the climate of their times.

As I said in my last blog, the metaphysical markers for the various generations are derived from the movement of the outer planets, particularly Pluto, with an orbit of 248 years.

Astrologically, we mark the generational energies by the slow-moving transit of Pluto through the 12 signs of the zodiac. Rather than considering the various generational groups by their sociological designations, astrologers dub them by marking where Pluto was by transit. As mentioned in the last blog, there is a viable co-relationship between the two systems.

The periods of transitions between the 2 sequential signs are interesting being both culminative and initiating. I call it the ‘wrap & renewal’ period, with one energy being finished up, just as another energy is being birthed. The souls who materialize during these transitional periods have a specific and often interesting role to play in the development of the human journey. Pluto entered Virgo in Oct 1956 and, after moving back into Leo for a short period, finally entered Virgo fully in June 1958,  and remained there until the next transitional period when Pluto began to shift into Libra, which began in October 1971 and culminated by July 1972. This Pluto through Virgo transit begins the group that sociologists designate as the Gen-Xers. As previously mentioned, the period when slow-moving Pluto shifts back and forth between two signs, (in this case between Leo and Virgo), is a transitional time. An individual may have been born when Pluto was moving back and forth between the two signs with either the mark of the ‘wrap it up’ or the mark of ‘renewal & birth’. It is from this group of individuals that thought leaders of the ‘old’ energy, prophets, or pioneers of the incoming ‘new’ energy can emerge. They can be those who can fully synthesize that which has been developed or those who can articulate the possibility of that which is yet to be.

This Virgo group came to repair; heal; adjust; and create order after the rather chaotic preceding 2 decades; to clean up the mess made by the Leo’s. Virgo is all about repair and healing; of order being born out of chaos; of sorting, systematizing, analyzing, and perfecting. Virgo’s critical eye observes the wound and then carefully organizes a protocol to address it. The nurture element in the equation is that these were, for the most part, the children of early Pluto in Leo’s; latch-key kids who had to, early on, fend for themselves. Their innate nature, that of wanting to create viable systems of operation was intensified by the environment into which they were born.

So, in this group, Uranus moves from Leo through Virgo and into Libra.

Neptune goes from Libra through Scorpio and into Sagittarius. 

Again, we can look to the sub-energies to understand how exactly the Pluto in Virgo group shifted through their soul impulse, beginning with a strong sense of personal presence—Uranus in Leo—and moving into the beginning impulses of relational shift –Uranus in Libra.

Meanwhile, Neptune energy shifted from Scorpionic intensity of purpose, dipping back into relational issues briefly, and ending up with the foundation for an incredible cosmological shift of perception—Sagittarius. These latter Virgo folks can be incredibly far-visioned with the capacity to embrace a wide variety of higher-mind concepts. The decade and a half that ushered in these souls was a time of continued self-indulgence by the adult Pluto in Leo’s. As mentioned, many of the children born to these self-absorbed ‘Leo’s’ were somewhat neglected as their parents pursued their own desires. 

The ‘gen-X’ group continued as Pluto moved into Libra 1971-1984. Again, there was a short period of transition but ultimately, Pluto stayed in Libra for 13 yrs. During this transit, Uranus went from Libra into Scorpio and finally into Sagittarius. Neptune was in Sagittarius.

This is the astrological soul group that was focused on re-working the ‘contract clause’.

Relationship dynamics began to shift. A re-defining of what a relationship is started to be born. The beginning of a radical transmutation was ushered in. Freedom of thought and belief burned brightly within the psyche.

As you think back to these times, what do you remember about the ’60s, ’70s & ’80s? How did that hedonistic environment affect the children in their early development years? The prevailing moral ambiguity greatly amplified the nature part of the equation. Society was still caught up in the self-absorption of the Pluto in Leos (boomers) and the Pluto in Virgos (senior gen-xers) were struggling to find their feet as the energy escalated. While Virgo energy seeks to create order, Libra energy seeks to find a point of balance. Virgo is focused on ‘right protocol’. Libra desires to evaluate moral imperatives. What will work? says Virgo…What is right? says Libra.  These are the questions that swirled around in the collective consciousness of that time and arose from deep within the individual psyches that came into material existence.

What came next? Well, here we are…enter the Pluto in Scorpio generation, fondly known as ‘The Millenials’…

Next time, we will try and get our heads around what the heck this generational group was all about…